Home Language Education Ecole secondaire catholique Algonquin celebrates 50 years of French language training

Ecole secondaire catholique Algonquin celebrates 50 years of French language training

by Lisa A. Yeager

The laughter and shared memories echoed during the halls of North Bay’s Ecole secondaire Catholique Algonquin over the weekend. Approximately 500 humans from throughout Canada and components of America amassed to rejoice in the school’s fiftieth anniversary.

In 1968, Real Perron became hired as the high college’s first important.

“It became tough because we were the primary French language school technically in Ontario, a French public school. It became approved in March; however, essentially, we had no building,” recalls Perron. Finally, we opened in Widdifield on a day shift from 2:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., And this went on for two and a half years because, at that point, they had been building West Ferris excessive faculty.”

French language training

Perron says it does not take long for the pupil population to develop.

“There is no public francophone faculty, just a small private college known as L’Academie Notre Dame in front of St. Vincent church. The first year, we had over 525 youngsters, the second year, seven hundred plus, and while we moved here, there had been 900 children. The college quickly grew to twelve hundred children,” stated Perron.

“This is when sports have become visible, and it has become obvious that we ought to contribute something to our society. It is critical to recognize that the school is not a building. A school is a human being. The reason for this faculty is to provide bilingual graduation, folks who can communicate in each legit language.”

Carole Laperriere, formerly Martineau when she became a student, attended the first grade 9 elegance.
Her three sisters also attended Algonquin, and eventually, all in their youngsters.
She was part of the organizing committees for the college’s 20th, thirtieth, and fiftieth anniversaries.

“It is in our blood. It is who we are. We participated in more than one activity. We live our lifestyle every day at Algonquin. Algonquin is essential to each person in North Bay because our dad and mom, manner back while, fought very, very difficult to get to this school. French college students had to pay to go to non-public faculty to get a French education,” stated Laperriere.

“When it opened, teachers had been teaching in the afternoon and the evening because we shared Widdifield Secondary, and we have been oblivious. We had been teens. We just thought we were given to move to high school till past due at night and sleep inside the morning. How cool is that,” grinned Laperriere.

“But backstage became a whole community of people working tough so that we could get an education. Our school was a family unit. We had been the sort of small organization to which everybody felt we belonged. The feeling that we had right here as a family became exceptional.”

Lucien Chaput is currently essential for grades 9 through 12.

“This is a milestone in the faculty’s history. We’re celebrating 50 years of French education within the North Bay network. We have been the primary French public high faculty set up right here in North Bay,” said Chaput.

In recent years, the faculty has brought grades 7 and 8.
Michel Page is their fundamental.

“It is massive to be here 50 years later. I don’t assume they imagined how much the college could grow and thrive in those 50 years.” Rene Champagne, who now lives in eastern Ontario, made the trip domestically for his first reunion, given that he is graduating. It was splendid because we still had the OACs, so spending five years in the school changed into, in reality, wonderful. The environment changed into extremely good. The teachers had been superb. They had always been there to guide you. It becomes exceptional to be part of the faculty family,” remarked Champagne, who became flooded with memories while he walked through the doors.

“Seeing my picture on the wall in the Sports Hall of Fame became exciting. It became very nostalgic. It has changed a lot, although. It is much more cutting-edge than back in the ’90s. I just wanted to show my youngsters that I grew up, went to high school, and saw my antique friends again. It has been exquisite. The alums did a great activity, hosting absolutely everyone. It became a variety of amusing.”

With the fiftieth anniversary now within the books, human beings are questioning if there’s a destiny for school reunions while this current generation remains connected through social media. For the most part, I think this reunion changed from 1968 to 1995. Those after are not attending,” said Carole Laperriere.

“One of our committee participants stated that this era grew with social media, so they always see each other differently on Facebook. With us, we just started seeing every difference once Facebook took over our lives. So, the older generation remains right here, the more youthful ones now, not so much. If they celebrate the 75th, I might be 89 years vintage, and I don’t assume I’ll be on the social committee,” she laughed. But I think with all generations, it may even be virtual by using them. I suppose the generation of reunions might not be as famous because it turned into in our day. After all, youngsters are connected through social media.”

While Rene Champagne has the same opinion that social media is the popular form of verbal exchange, he continues that nothing beats face-to-face interplay. We had a bond. Our time turned into spent with every different. With social media now, it is unique, and you get to observe all of us now. So, it takes away that marvel of what you have been doing for the past 10 or 15 years. I’m not a massive Facebook user, so it’s miles high-quality to capture up with my friends and those who aren’t necessarily your Facebook friends or social media buddies,” said Champagne. You can position snapshots on there. However, it talks about the recollections that stand out.

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