Home School Six-Year-Old Sikh Girl Banned From Carrying Kirpan To School In London: Report

Six-Year-Old Sikh Girl Banned From Carrying Kirpan To School In London: Report

by Lisa A. Yeager


A six-12 months-antique Sikh female has been banned from carrying the kirpan to her primary school within the United Kingdom after an outcry from other students’ parents who refused to take their kids to the college over protection worries, in keeping with a media report. The female delivered the kirpan to the Redscope Primary School in Rotherham, England, in advance this month, the Telegraph mentioned on Wednesday.

Kirpans are one of 5 articles of religion – known as “the five Ks” – that Sikhs are commanded to put on at all times to demonstrate their nonsecular religion. One figure complained: “I’m sorry, but faith or not, an infant’s fitness and safety come first.” Another stated: “Most girls are not allowed to wear makeup in school, never mind bring a weapon.” In the letter despatched to parents, Paula Dobbin, the pinnacle trainer of the faculty, explained that the kirpan is a “nonsecular decoration” worn by Sikhs.

The object is not sharp and is regularly worn in colleges with the aid of youngsters of the Sikh faith nationwide,” she said. However, having spoken to the mother and father of the kid involved, they’ve agreed that the child will not wear this object in the faculty. The family is new to the school and wants to be a part of the Red’s cope circle of relatives. They are eager that their daughter can make buddies and be an element out of our faculty community,” she said.

“Concerns about this trouble precipitated some of you to delay bringing your children into college. I reassure you there is no cause for you not to send your kids to high school,” she said. However, the film brought that some comments made with the aid of parents about the incident are now being probed by the police as hate crimes.

An investigation is being accomplished.

A spokeswoman for the South Yorkshire Police said: “Police are aware that a religious kirpan was delivered into the school by a six-year-old antique student. “Local neighborhood officials will work closely with the college, providing advice and reassurance and speaking to dad and mom.

“There are no wider safeguarding issues, and no crime has been reported. A range of remarks on social media was said to us as a race-associated hate crime following this case… South Yorkshire Police would love to remind the general public that hate crimes aren’t always tolerated.

“Research into the feedback is underway.”

The Department for Education no longer has central suggestions on college uniforms and nonsecular items. It is up to individual headteachers to set their college’s coverage.

This week, the row comes as the British government announced that a change to the “Offensive Weapons Bill” had received royal assent. In this manner, Sikh, Sikhs will be allowed to hold kirpans in the UK and use them in nonsecular and cultural functions. The All-Party Parliamentary Group for British Sikhs campaigned for kirpans to stay exempt from guns while the new Bill was ratified.


In the United Kingdom, under the Criminal Justice Act of 1989, humans are allowed to hold blades for religious motives, the file brought.

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